Amanda Zimmer

Ms. Zimmer possesses a Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology with a Minor in Emerging Global Infectious Disease and a Master’s degree in Immunology both from Iowa State University. She also holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from Colorado Christian University and is currently a Doctoral Candidate in Educational Leadership with an emphasis in Instructional Design from Trident University. Ms. Zimmer has a total of 14 years in education: 7 years in Catholic education, 5 of which have been at St. Mary.

In her spare time, Ms. Zimmer enjoys archery, paddleboarding, gardening, golf, fishing, and camping.

When we asked Ms. Zimmer why she loves teaching at St. Mary, she replied, “I teach at St. Mary because I can teach Catholic values and incorporate them into every aspect of education and show students how they relate to everyday life.”